Torso Bent Twists:
Standing with your feet apart, hold out your arms on each side and bend down using your left hand to touch the right foot to pick up the kettlebell. While bending, see that your back is straight and the shoulder blades are pulled back. Rotate your torso so that your right hand can touch your left foot. Both arms should be fully extended during this exercise, one pointing to the foot, the other towards the sky. Repeat this exercise 20-30 times. Most fitness trainers will repeat a 2nd set.

Lunges (with a twist):
You need to take a long step forward with the front knee over the toes. Then drop your back knee to the ground and lower into a lunging position. While in this position take a big step forward and repeat the sequence with the other leg. An interesting addition would be to twist your body and look backwards to the leg which is behind, while in lunging position. Keep the kettlebell close to the body at all times. The best online weight loss challenge I know of is The Dangerously Fit 6-Week Body.
Torso Twists:
You need to stand with feet wide apart. Then hold out your arms to the sides and bend, so you can use your left hand to touch the right foot. While in bent position, your back should be straight and shoulder blades held back. In this position rotate the torso so that your right hand can touch your left foot. Both arms should be fully extended – one hand touching the left foot, the other hand pointing towards the sky with kettlebell gripped tightly. This exercise can be repeated about 30 times.
Once you join a Functional Fitness Training workout you will discover the fun of working out with a group of people. Just their encouragement and being able to train with others will help you to try harder and get better results. As mentioned above a fitness boot camp can be set up anywhere – nothing special is required to start this fitness routine.